Proxy Support

grammY let’s you configure a number of things about how network requests are performed. This includes injecting a custom payload into every request, which can be used to install a proxy agent. Check out the ApiClientOptions in the grammY API Referenceopen in new window.

In Deno, here is how you would use an http proxy:

import { Bot } from "";

const client = Deno.createHttpClient({
  proxy: { url: "http://host:port/" },
const bot = new Bot(TOKEN, {
  client: {
    baseFetchConfig: {
      // @ts-ignore

Note that you need to run this with the --unstable flag.

In Node.js, here is how you would use a proxy with the socks5-https-client package (npmopen in new window):

import { Bot } from "grammy";
import { SocksProxyAgent } from "socks-proxy-agent";

const socksAgent = new SocksProxyAgent({
  host: host, // put in the proxy host
  port: port, // put in the proxy port

const bot = new Bot("", {
  client: {
    baseFetchConfig: {
      agent: socksAgent,
      compress: true,

Note that specifying compress: true is an optional performance optimization. It has nothing to do with proxy support. It is part of the default value for baseFetchConfig, so if you still want it, you should specify it again.

Getting a proxy to work can be difficult. Contact us in the Telegram chatopen in new window if you run into issues, or if you need grammY to support further configuration options. We also have a Russian Telegram chatopen in new window.